Monday, March 13, 2006
Project 2xx8 - Stage 1

After some searching work, it's known tat there are 24 stocks matching w this 2xx8 code (excluding warrants n 2 ETFs): -
Stock Code Name 公司名稱 Mkt Cap. (in '00M)
2018 AAC Acoustic AAC Acoustic 70.49
2028 Jolimark 映美控股 6.55
2038 Foxconn International Holdings 富士康國際 897.59
2088 Xiwang Sugar 西王糖業 24.91
2318 Ping An Insurance 中國平安 449.04
2328 PICC P&C 中國財險 84.67
2338 Weichai Power 濰柴動力 16.32
2348 Dawnrays Pharma 東瑞製葯 5.36
2358 Mitsumaru Holdings 三丸控股 3.12
2368 Eagle Nice 鷹美 11.32
2388 Bank of China Hong Kong 中銀香港 1,601.78
2398 Good Friend 友佳國際 3.16
2618 TCL Communication TCL通訊 15.74
2628 China Life Insurance 中國人壽 632.50
2668 Pak Tak International 百德國際 0.83
2678 Texhong Textile 天虹紡織 12.03
2688 Xinao Gas 新奧燃氣 58.32
2698 Weiqiao Textile 魏橋紡織 41.02
2728 Shinhint 成謙聲匯 2.70
2788 Yorkey Optical 精熙國際 27.81
2868 Beijing Capital Land 首創置業 21.68
2878 Solomon Systech 晶門科技 89.77
2888 Standard Chartered 渣打集團 2,586.93
2898 Long Far Pharma 龍發製藥 2.85
But then the problem arises, which stocks should I included in my 2xx8 portfolio list? (or just all stocks? I intend not to include those w a mkt cap smaller than 500M since their turnover r insignificant) Moreover, how should be the portfolio composed of? Shd it by mkt cap, or just simply one lot per stocks chosen? your suggestions r highly welcomed.
I hope to set up this portfolio starting from 1.4.2006 (since it's a good cut-off date) and let see how it does comparing to some other major indexes in ONE year of time! LOL
2028 Jolimark 映美控股 6.55
2038 Foxconn International Holdings 富士康國際 897.59
2088 Xiwang Sugar 西王糖業 24.91
2318 Ping An Insurance 中國平安 449.04
2328 PICC P&C 中國財險 84.67
2338 Weichai Power 濰柴動力 16.32
2348 Dawnrays Pharma 東瑞製葯 5.36
2358 Mitsumaru Holdings 三丸控股 3.12
2368 Eagle Nice 鷹美 11.32
2388 Bank of China Hong Kong 中銀香港 1,601.78
2398 Good Friend 友佳國際 3.16
2618 TCL Communication TCL通訊 15.74
2628 China Life Insurance 中國人壽 632.50
2668 Pak Tak International 百德國際 0.83
2678 Texhong Textile 天虹紡織 12.03
2688 Xinao Gas 新奧燃氣 58.32
2698 Weiqiao Textile 魏橋紡織 41.02
2728 Shinhint 成謙聲匯 2.70
2788 Yorkey Optical 精熙國際 27.81
2868 Beijing Capital Land 首創置業 21.68
2878 Solomon Systech 晶門科技 89.77
2888 Standard Chartered 渣打集團 2,586.93
2898 Long Far Pharma 龍發製藥 2.85
But then the problem arises, which stocks should I included in my 2xx8 portfolio list? (or just all stocks? I intend not to include those w a mkt cap smaller than 500M since their turnover r insignificant) Moreover, how should be the portfolio composed of? Shd it by mkt cap, or just simply one lot per stocks chosen? your suggestions r highly welcomed.
I hope to set up this portfolio starting from 1.4.2006 (since it's a good cut-off date) and let see how it does comparing to some other major indexes in ONE year of time! LOL
'a blindfoldedmonkey throwing darts at a newspaper's financial pages could select a portfolio that would do just as well as one carefully selected by the experts' - Burton G. Malkiel, A Random Walk Down Wall Street