Sunday, March 12, 2006
Random Thoughts

Finally there's a fd who noticed the details of my blog - antho asked wat's the meanin of my blog's subtitle. haha i said i dunno as well as the meaning is multiple-folded... the v first subtitle i put up here is "Robii Robbie Robin - Stop Slogan Thinking Exercises" (SSTE), but changed it recently to only SSTE. I was used to do some group-tasks in university or in my former co. and r always to think of some slogans or 'tag-line' so tat our 'projects' can seem to be more 'successful' - i HATE tat so much, and therefore got this line as the subtitle. I supposed blogging is sth not mind-boggling n can write freely as wat i think of, a space tat's free of imagination n didnt require anything topic-al, so there's it as my title of the blog - they r all rigmaroles (aka pieces of shit haha) and shdnt got any slogans to bound by.
Another day in Pong Nan's concert, i suddenly thought of my blog's subtitle (in the midst of the concert), n after that went home to change it to only SSTE. The show conveys a msg tat there r too many prejudices n generalisation (sorrie i forgot the exact term n used my own words here) n therefore, i also think of wat's been written in my blog here. So i'll also try to yell @ u guys not to be bound by slogan thinking - just speak as u feel free to do so.
Another day in Pong Nan's concert, i suddenly thought of my blog's subtitle (in the midst of the concert), n after that went home to change it to only SSTE. The show conveys a msg tat there r too many prejudices n generalisation (sorrie i forgot the exact term n used my own words here) n therefore, i also think of wat's been written in my blog here. So i'll also try to yell @ u guys not to be bound by slogan thinking - just speak as u feel free to do so.
Might be there r some more meaning to this 'sub-title' later la...tell u guys when there's some new inspirations =)
Recently my thoughts r on this several stuffs - 1) bodycombat classes! woohooo shd thx for a sudden push from fds for this interest haha 2) to try out sth funny, a "2XX8" investment portfolio will be set-up soon, stay tuned if u want some fortune! hahaha 3) keen on coffee drinking (ha!)
Music playin now: So What ! (M Edit) - Independence Days (U know wat's that!)
Recently my thoughts r on this several stuffs - 1) bodycombat classes! woohooo shd thx for a sudden push from fds for this interest haha 2) to try out sth funny, a "2XX8" investment portfolio will be set-up soon, stay tuned if u want some fortune! hahaha 3) keen on coffee drinking (ha!)
Music playin now: So What ! (M Edit) - Independence Days (U know wat's that!)