Tuesday, November 29, 2005
101 reasons Why I am gonna miss SG

Night skyline of SG taken from outside of Esplanade
Wat I hv in my mind abt SG before my trip is funny (dun laugh!)... it's all abt fine and funny regulations, like CCTVs in toilets to check if everyone flushes; no gum chewing; no coke, etc.. but all these r not existing lah. The impression of SG to me though, is v positive, and there r many ways better than in HK (oh u know i love n hate HK, but ppl here r esp. getting worse, in many ways such as quality n manner), just to name a few:
My first impression to SG is.. oh it's such a neat n tidy city. everything's in order, without chaos n without dirt - good to learn that for such a mysophobia n neat-frenzy ppl like me =P

MRT route in SG - clear n easy to follow, can just go to most places without confusion
To me, SG is realli like a miniature (not exactly) of HK - well just in terms of the city size n population, but in other senses better than HK, esp. the quality of the citizens. Ppl there r more nice, friendly (or just from a perspective of a tourist), however, at least i dun see all those rude, loud-talkin, pushing n uncivilized mainland Chinese all around. They are also a bunch of health-conscious population, my 4-day trip is full of sporty guys ard (hur hur hur) (esp. the day when i saw some dragon-boat competition along the SG river!!!)

Thx Jason - u r such a nice guy to spend ur day n show me ard!
Sth that comes to my surprise is abt the variety n good taste of food there as well. Honestly, i hate to eat a lot of 'tropical' food before, such as durian (yyeewwww), coconut... u know i didnt dare to try several food at first, say katong laksa, or indian curry (coz w the strong coconut smell). But oh.... the food in SG is soooooo tasty!! I esp. like the laksa... so u see? All these r just perceptions at different times.

Katong laksa @ Holland village

Roti Prata w sth else... i forgot!
Another thing tat's come to my surprise is the level of gay-acceptance in the city. i m REALLY surprised when i first saw that shop of NUM opening in the middle of a crowdly-trafficked mall of CityLink (or Suntec?), anyway they may just treat it as a fashion label, but then later i also tot it a city of AJ paradise, after my fds introduced me all those 'infos'...
Some other reasons tat i m gonna miss SG:
23. I dun need to buy winter clothes in SG, which is good for such a fashion-dumb like me, as well as i dun need to spend money on thick clothes =P
35. The only zoo tat opens late at nite - Night Safari - with marvellous n various kinds of wildlife animals
59. Money values r smaller in SG - i can bring lesser money notes ard n my wallet is not tat stuffed
82. Lots (i mean LOTS!) of variety of fastfood shops in SG... geez i maybe cholestrol / fat over-weighted if i m there!
83. BTW, foods in SG r actually much more healthy-looking to me, though they look oily, they dun taste so!
101. Last but not least, SG bois to me r all nicer, more friendly, cuter, n of course more hunk!
Well, i hope i will be visiting SG in the future, and afterall i must give my v v v sincere to all of u who r nice enuff to spare ur time to accompany such a dumb tourist - tat's me!
Some more pics during the visit:

Sunday, November 27, 2005
SG Online!
will have more updates when back to HK
Thursday, November 24, 2005
There I GO!!!
Stock Tech analysis - 0014

Big turnover, breaking the 'neck line', W-shaped trough ... signs of breakthrough!
Target price: $20.5 !
Monday, November 21, 2005
Transformation of Deli
Friday, November 18, 2005
Mr Holland's Opus
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Signs of movin
- Good boss's leaving (Villians usually stay / survive in drama series)
- Coming boss is not as nice as the out-goin one (Instinct tells)
- Pushy boss, bossy colleagues
- Diminishing degree of happiness / satisfaction from work
- (Actively) Seeking of new work opportunities
Sigh... time to leave(?)
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Finally i made the decision .. and to get.......... the WHITE iPod nano!!!! geezzzzz tat's sooooooooo kewl man!!!!!!!! good job Steve... no wonder he made a big fortune on it! Funny enuff.. 3 yrs ago the MP3 player i got is also at the price of HKD1,550, but the memory size grows from 128MB to now of 2GB... technology flies!!
At night goin to Rice
Always great to meet w fds
New or old
Intimate or not
Always nice to get some friendly chats n warm regards
make my running practice again.. got 10 laps (4k) in 23mins.. and not getting too tired.. tat's great!!!! maybe becoz of the music boost... but most likely is the way of runnin? probably i need to improve on tat n study a bit(?) before i try another practice next week... aim to run at least 5k the next time lar...
went to HMV after the running practice... and let me discovered this! The Amazing Race DVD!!! FINALLY!!!! it has been 4 yrs n this Season 1 DVD is out! Probably CBS intentionally not tryin to publish this... since DVDs of other popular reality shows like Survivor has been out for yrs already... didnt make a hesitation n i brought it home (sob sob.... spend so much before my trip... am goin broke next month) ... i very much like the first season of the Amazing Race (and think its by far the best among other TARs) becoz its soooo real n heart-throbbing... realli fascinating as travelling to those exotic places when u r watching, and its so real coz the participants hv clearly-defined characters (the producers hv also done a gd job in selecting participants, making there 'villians' like the Guidos), am realli 'relieved' when the Guidos almost lose in Bangkok, and how sad when Frank & Margarita thought they r winning when they cross the finish line in Seattle, only to see tat Rob n Brennan r there already! (they need tat money badly! Rob n Bren just dun need it... they r rich!), not to mention hunks Frank n Rob as well *winks*
so am going to enjoy this DVD before my trip! yyyaaayyy!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005
Black or White?
Sandy Lam
Well, no one knows the exact answer actually (sounds likeX-philes!) maybe u can share w me your thoughts... btw, i like her new song 'truth color' too! feels like goin to party =P

(image courtesy from Sandy Lam's concert)
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Random pics

BOC - en route to Central on tram

BOC w the Cheung Kong Center ... always the best combination of building pics i consider

BOC under rain - taken inside a bus... see the reflection of Cheung Kong as well?
Well suppose to post sth else today... but consider tat maybe under great danger (or i'll receive a parcel bomb! haha)... so i just leave this:
Monday, November 07, 2005
in the upper / upper-middle corporate tier
workaholic but efficient
enjoys life (n sure affordable to their 'lifes')
stylish (and be sure tat's kewl)
single (of course!)
liberal minded
seek excitement
paying a lot of attention to his outlook (pays a lot too!)
cozy lofty living
probably attracts most ppls attention
well .. am off from the above list.. com'on u cant be kiddin.. am no match from tat n i burst out into laugh u called me bobo =P *geeky*
Friday, November 04, 2005
Snuffle... Snuffle...
You scored 56% Organization, 58% abstract, and 42% extroverted!
First, this test measured how organized you are. Some muppets like Cookie Monster make big messes, while others like Bert are quite anal about things being clean.
Second, this test measured if you prefer a concrete or an abstract viewpoint. For the purposes of this test, concrete people are considered to gravitate more to mathematical and logical approaches, whereas abstract people are more the dreamers and artistic type.
Third, this test measured if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. By definition, an introvert concentrates more on herself and an extrovert focuses more on others. In this test an introvert was somebody that either tends to spend more time alone or thinks more about herself.
You are somewhat organized, both concrete and abstract, and both introverted and extroverted.
I bet you didn't think you were Snuffleupagus. Let's find out why.
You are both somewhat organized. You have a good idea where you put things and you probably keep your place reasonably clean. You aren't totally obsessed with neatness though. Alloyius Snuffleupagus (and all Snuffleupagus') is not sloppy by nature, but he moves so incredibly slowly that it is impossible for him to be totally organized.
You both are about equally concrete and abstract thinkers. You have a good balance in your life. You know when to be logical at times, but you also aren't afraid to explore your dreams and desires... within limits of course. Snuffy generally has very basic interests, but he explores his abstract sensitive side when he plays his snuffleflute.
You both are somewhat introverted. Originally Snuffleupagus was very shy and was only Big Bird's invisible friend. However as he has aged he has started to build new friendships with new characters. Like Snuffy, you probably like to have some time to yourself. However, you do appreciate spending time with your friends, and you aren't scared of social situations.
The other possible characters are
Oscar the Grouch
Big Bird
Cookie Monster
Kermit the Frog
The Count
Guy Smiley
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also if you want to tell me your favorite Sesame Street character, I can total them up and post them here. Perhaps your choice will win!

| You scored higher than 40% on Organization | ||
| You scored higher than 73% on concrete-abstra | ||
| You scored higher than 15% on intro-extrovert |
Link: The Your SESAME STREET Persona Test written by greencowsgomoo on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Random Thoughts - Starry nite
很遙遠 很遙遠 陪同父母觀星去
噢...星 就似燈泡懸掛 渺小的懸掛
凝結 又融化 在那銀幕裡似白沙
隨時起歌 明星中的可想起我
星夜星塵 然後到摘星
到聽風的歌 隨星星閃過
今夜星河 留下霎時星火
噢...星 在半空中懸掛 遠古中懸掛
旁邊 是人馬 在我的望遠鏡如畫
橫蠻的她 常為了小東西吵架
今夜星夏 離別了煩囂
去賞星好嗎 土星閃一下
很大 很大 誰尚要摘星星
很遙遠 很遙遠
銀河幻化 誰發覺 變化

Enough nite-dreamin... time to go back to my minutes...
P.S. Saturn wont blink as said in the lyric! Why? ASK ME! *nerdy*

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Neo-conservatism on the rise
Bush spoils for fight in new court choice
Hawks go higher in Koizumi Cabinet
Neo-conservatism has experienced a surge in recent years with presidency of George W. Bush & Junichiro Koizumi, nonetheless, with increasing worrying signs.
Powerful countries has always been a strong advocate in globalisation, promotion of trades, free flow of capital, etc. They urge for freeing-up of barriers in small / third-world countries, and yet, they r the one who r setting up the most barriers within themselves. The rise of neo-conservatism, means that these powerful countries n more protective for themselves, but at the expenses of other countries. It is understandable that they r doing good for sth within themselves (industries, let say), but doesnt these sounds selfish? Lets face it! All these will backfire one day, and as a dismal fact... mankind always dun meant to be a peaceful group...
About Me
- Name: robii
- Location: Hong Kong
Robii is: Egoist Perfectionist Simple Goofy Sleepy Nerdy Impatient Str8-forward Neat Athletic ABC
Robii Links
Earlier Rigmaroles
Vantage Point
消費最貴城市 港居亞洲第四
地鐵路線圖 (I prefer this name)
大力推荐 - 男人KFC!!!
Alibaba and the IPO Thieves
Y Stock Trade / Invest?
Talking to Myself