Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Neo-conservatism on the rise

2 news today, at the same time, reflected the captioned:

Bush spoils for fight in new court choice

Hawks go higher in Koizumi Cabinet

Neo-conservatism has experienced a surge in recent years with presidency of George W. Bush & Junichiro Koizumi, nonetheless, with increasing worrying signs.
Powerful countries has always been a strong advocate in globalisation, promotion of trades, free flow of capital, etc. They urge for freeing-up of barriers in small / third-world countries, and yet, they r the one who r setting up the most barriers within themselves. The rise of neo-conservatism, means that these powerful countries n more protective for themselves, but at the expenses of other countries. It is understandable that they r doing good for sth within themselves (industries, let say), but doesnt these sounds selfish? Lets face it! All these will backfire one day, and as a dismal fact... mankind always dun meant to be a peaceful group...
Eh? sounds political? =P

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