Friday, September 14, 2007
I learnt a new word!
Main Entry: cho·re·og·ra·phy
Pronunciation: "kor-E-'ä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -phies
Etymology: French chorégraphie, from Greek choreia + French -graphie -graphy
1 : the art of symbolically representing dancing
2 a : the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet
b : a composition created by this art
3 : something resembling choreography
Main Entry: cho·re·og·ra·phy
Pronunciation: "kor-E-'ä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -phies
Etymology: French chorégraphie, from Greek choreia + French -graphie -graphy
1 : the art of symbolically representing dancing
2 a : the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet
b : a composition created by this art
3 : something resembling choreography