Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Project 2xx8 - Revisited
It's almost time for setting up this "2xx8 portfolio" and so some rules have to be laid out. By learning the usual practice of investment funds, stocks with a market cap. of lesser than 1000M should be excluded. Also i deleted another company 2368 coz of its inactive transactions. This makes the 2xx8 portfolio contains the following 16 stocks:
Stock Code Name 公司名稱 Mkt Cap. (in '00M)(as at today)
2018 AAC Acoustic AAC Acoustic 86.74
2038 Foxconn Int'l Holdings 富士康國際 977.61
2088 Xiwang Sugar 西王糖業 34.55
2318 Ping An Insurance 中國平安 513.01
2328 PICC P&C 中國財險 89.86
2338 Weichai Power 濰柴動力 15.31
2388 Bank of China Hong Kong 中銀香港 1,654.64
2618 TCL Communication TCL通訊 17.81
2628 China Life Insurance 中國人壽 755.28
2678 Texhong Textile 天虹紡織 15.00
2688 Xinao Gas 新奧燃氣 63.30
2698 Weiqiao Textile 魏橋紡織 41.19
2788 Yorkey Optical 精熙國際 27.18
2868 Beijing Capital Land 首創置業 21.51
2878 Solomon Systech 晶門科技 94.17
2888 Standard Chartered 渣打集團 2,666.14
Stock Code Name 公司名稱 Mkt Cap. (in '00M)(as at today)
2018 AAC Acoustic AAC Acoustic 86.74
2038 Foxconn Int'l Holdings 富士康國際 977.61
2088 Xiwang Sugar 西王糖業 34.55
2318 Ping An Insurance 中國平安 513.01
2328 PICC P&C 中國財險 89.86
2338 Weichai Power 濰柴動力 15.31
2388 Bank of China Hong Kong 中銀香港 1,654.64
2618 TCL Communication TCL通訊 17.81
2628 China Life Insurance 中國人壽 755.28
2678 Texhong Textile 天虹紡織 15.00
2688 Xinao Gas 新奧燃氣 63.30
2698 Weiqiao Textile 魏橋紡織 41.19
2788 Yorkey Optical 精熙國際 27.18
2868 Beijing Capital Land 首創置業 21.51
2878 Solomon Systech 晶門科技 94.17
2888 Standard Chartered 渣打集團 2,666.14
okie... but then a problem arise as well, how shd i invest in this portfolio? Should it be investing 1 lot per every share? or by it's market cap.? Both method will hv its pros n cons, namely the representativeness of the portfolio - one method will be biased towards the 'small' stocks, while another method will be biased towards to the big mkt cap. stocks... so maybe at the time of setup, there will be 2 portfolios, 1 is by 1 lot per share, n another by mkt cap. investment...
so the portfolio will start by 1 April!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Back on my writing track
Today i've been to a trial physical test session held by the Fire Services Dept., they r recruiting both firemen n ambulance officer recently. This two job offerings sure attracts me (u know wat reason *winks*) as their salary is very competitive too. But a poor reality is tat i know i cannot be a firefighter coz of serious short-sightedness of me. The cruel reality comes to me AGAIN today as i tried out their ambulance officer tests... well am going very fine in all sorts of physical tests, but when it comes to a test which is similar to sort of testing ur 'reach-height' ability, i cant do the requirements!!! DAMN!!!! cant stand on my feet flat while trying to reach sth deep inside a shelve.... haizzzzzz ..... how i wish i could be a few inch taller =p ... anyway, CRUEL reality claws to me again.
another thing tat's a HUGE motivator, not to speak, is the 'scene' of fire station *licks licks*, feel soooooo happy already as i was warmly greeted by the fireman who's in the reception, super handsome n can tell he's hunk under his uniform lor (waaaaaaahhaa), and even later when trying out the physical tests, those in track suits n red vests *drools* hhehehe... how i wish i could get one of those waahhahahahha
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
ROBIN's here!
oh dear... this is sooooo damn accurate LOL... even got MY NAME RITE hahaha
Your results:
You are Robin
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Your results:
You are Robin
| Young and acrobatic. |
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Monday, March 13, 2006
Project 2xx8 - Stage 1

After some searching work, it's known tat there are 24 stocks matching w this 2xx8 code (excluding warrants n 2 ETFs): -
Stock Code Name 公司名稱 Mkt Cap. (in '00M)
2018 AAC Acoustic AAC Acoustic 70.49
2028 Jolimark 映美控股 6.55
2038 Foxconn International Holdings 富士康國際 897.59
2088 Xiwang Sugar 西王糖業 24.91
2318 Ping An Insurance 中國平安 449.04
2328 PICC P&C 中國財險 84.67
2338 Weichai Power 濰柴動力 16.32
2348 Dawnrays Pharma 東瑞製葯 5.36
2358 Mitsumaru Holdings 三丸控股 3.12
2368 Eagle Nice 鷹美 11.32
2388 Bank of China Hong Kong 中銀香港 1,601.78
2398 Good Friend 友佳國際 3.16
2618 TCL Communication TCL通訊 15.74
2628 China Life Insurance 中國人壽 632.50
2668 Pak Tak International 百德國際 0.83
2678 Texhong Textile 天虹紡織 12.03
2688 Xinao Gas 新奧燃氣 58.32
2698 Weiqiao Textile 魏橋紡織 41.02
2728 Shinhint 成謙聲匯 2.70
2788 Yorkey Optical 精熙國際 27.81
2868 Beijing Capital Land 首創置業 21.68
2878 Solomon Systech 晶門科技 89.77
2888 Standard Chartered 渣打集團 2,586.93
2898 Long Far Pharma 龍發製藥 2.85
But then the problem arises, which stocks should I included in my 2xx8 portfolio list? (or just all stocks? I intend not to include those w a mkt cap smaller than 500M since their turnover r insignificant) Moreover, how should be the portfolio composed of? Shd it by mkt cap, or just simply one lot per stocks chosen? your suggestions r highly welcomed.
I hope to set up this portfolio starting from 1.4.2006 (since it's a good cut-off date) and let see how it does comparing to some other major indexes in ONE year of time! LOL
2028 Jolimark 映美控股 6.55
2038 Foxconn International Holdings 富士康國際 897.59
2088 Xiwang Sugar 西王糖業 24.91
2318 Ping An Insurance 中國平安 449.04
2328 PICC P&C 中國財險 84.67
2338 Weichai Power 濰柴動力 16.32
2348 Dawnrays Pharma 東瑞製葯 5.36
2358 Mitsumaru Holdings 三丸控股 3.12
2368 Eagle Nice 鷹美 11.32
2388 Bank of China Hong Kong 中銀香港 1,601.78
2398 Good Friend 友佳國際 3.16
2618 TCL Communication TCL通訊 15.74
2628 China Life Insurance 中國人壽 632.50
2668 Pak Tak International 百德國際 0.83
2678 Texhong Textile 天虹紡織 12.03
2688 Xinao Gas 新奧燃氣 58.32
2698 Weiqiao Textile 魏橋紡織 41.02
2728 Shinhint 成謙聲匯 2.70
2788 Yorkey Optical 精熙國際 27.81
2868 Beijing Capital Land 首創置業 21.68
2878 Solomon Systech 晶門科技 89.77
2888 Standard Chartered 渣打集團 2,586.93
2898 Long Far Pharma 龍發製藥 2.85
But then the problem arises, which stocks should I included in my 2xx8 portfolio list? (or just all stocks? I intend not to include those w a mkt cap smaller than 500M since their turnover r insignificant) Moreover, how should be the portfolio composed of? Shd it by mkt cap, or just simply one lot per stocks chosen? your suggestions r highly welcomed.
I hope to set up this portfolio starting from 1.4.2006 (since it's a good cut-off date) and let see how it does comparing to some other major indexes in ONE year of time! LOL
'a blindfoldedmonkey throwing darts at a newspaper's financial pages could select a portfolio that would do just as well as one carefully selected by the experts' - Burton G. Malkiel, A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Random Thoughts

Finally there's a fd who noticed the details of my blog - antho asked wat's the meanin of my blog's subtitle. haha i said i dunno as well as the meaning is multiple-folded... the v first subtitle i put up here is "Robii Robbie Robin - Stop Slogan Thinking Exercises" (SSTE), but changed it recently to only SSTE. I was used to do some group-tasks in university or in my former co. and r always to think of some slogans or 'tag-line' so tat our 'projects' can seem to be more 'successful' - i HATE tat so much, and therefore got this line as the subtitle. I supposed blogging is sth not mind-boggling n can write freely as wat i think of, a space tat's free of imagination n didnt require anything topic-al, so there's it as my title of the blog - they r all rigmaroles (aka pieces of shit haha) and shdnt got any slogans to bound by.
Another day in Pong Nan's concert, i suddenly thought of my blog's subtitle (in the midst of the concert), n after that went home to change it to only SSTE. The show conveys a msg tat there r too many prejudices n generalisation (sorrie i forgot the exact term n used my own words here) n therefore, i also think of wat's been written in my blog here. So i'll also try to yell @ u guys not to be bound by slogan thinking - just speak as u feel free to do so.
Another day in Pong Nan's concert, i suddenly thought of my blog's subtitle (in the midst of the concert), n after that went home to change it to only SSTE. The show conveys a msg tat there r too many prejudices n generalisation (sorrie i forgot the exact term n used my own words here) n therefore, i also think of wat's been written in my blog here. So i'll also try to yell @ u guys not to be bound by slogan thinking - just speak as u feel free to do so.
Might be there r some more meaning to this 'sub-title' later la...tell u guys when there's some new inspirations =)
Recently my thoughts r on this several stuffs - 1) bodycombat classes! woohooo shd thx for a sudden push from fds for this interest haha 2) to try out sth funny, a "2XX8" investment portfolio will be set-up soon, stay tuned if u want some fortune! hahaha 3) keen on coffee drinking (ha!)
Music playin now: So What ! (M Edit) - Independence Days (U know wat's that!)
Recently my thoughts r on this several stuffs - 1) bodycombat classes! woohooo shd thx for a sudden push from fds for this interest haha 2) to try out sth funny, a "2XX8" investment portfolio will be set-up soon, stay tuned if u want some fortune! hahaha 3) keen on coffee drinking (ha!)
Music playin now: So What ! (M Edit) - Independence Days (U know wat's that!)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Academy Award series iii - Transamerica

The movie is sure another one tat's all focus on the main protagonist (i.e. Capote), and Felicity Huffman impresses me a lot in this movie! anyone who've watched Desperate Housewives before will know wat i mean... she's (ahem... did i mentioned he or she?) realli realli doin a great job in acting like a male, esp. the voice =P ... n tat makes me think if she's look alike a male in real hahaha
i feel pity tat she cant win the best actress by this movie... did feel she can nail it by her performance in this movie... anyway, a highly recommend one, which is a "must-see" in this yr's Oscars nominated movies.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
The 3 ppl u r going to meet on Earth
I've first read this article years ago, at the time when i just broke off w my bf and totally heart broken. I felt i got a strong feeling readin this but didnt save it somehow. Recently, i read this again by chance and i immediately saved it, i still felt a lot now reading it and share it here:
I know tat i've met the 2nd n 3rd person already, but then the next person i met is the 2nd/3rd/4th person? and when will i meet tat person?
人生就是為了找尋愛的過程,每個人的人生都要找到四個人:第一個是自己,第二個是你最愛的人,第三個是最愛你的人,第四個是共度一生的人。首先會遇到你最愛的人,然後體會到愛的感覺;因為瞭解被愛的感覺,所以才能發現最愛你的人;當你經歷過愛人與被愛,學會了愛才會知道什麼是你需要的。也才會找到最適合你,能夠相處一輩子的人。但很悲哀的,在現實生活中,這三個人通常不是同一個人;你最愛的,往往沒有選擇你;最愛你的,往往不是你最愛的 ;而最長久的,偏偏不是你最愛也不是最愛你的,只是在最適合的時間出現的那個人。你,會是別人生命中的第幾個人呢?沒有人是故意要變心的,他愛你的時候是真的愛你 ,可是他不愛你的時候也是真的不愛你了,他愛你的時候沒有辦法假裝不愛你;同樣的,他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你。當一個人不愛你要離開你,你要問自己還愛不愛他,如果你也不愛他了,千萬別為了可憐的自尊而不肯離開;如果你還愛他,你應該會希望他過得幸福快樂,希望他跟真正愛的人在一起,絕不會阻止,你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已經不愛他了,而如果你不愛他,你又有什麼資格指責他變心呢?愛不是佔有,你喜歡月亮,不可能把月亮拿下來放在臉盆裏,但月亮的光芒仍可照進你的房間。換句話說,你愛一個人,也可以用另一種方式擁有,讓愛人成為生命裏的永恆回憶,如果你真愛一個人,就要愛他原來的樣子,愛他的好,也愛他的壞,愛他的優點,也愛他的缺點,絕不能因為愛他,就希望他變成自己所希望的樣子,萬一變不成就不愛他了。真正愛一個人是無法說出原因的,你只知道無論何時何地,心情好壞,你都希望 這個人陪著你;真正的感情是兩人能在最艱苦中相守,也就是沒有絲毫要求。畢竟,感情必須付出,而不是只想奪得 ;分手是一種必然的考驗,如果你們感情不夠穩固,只好認輸,真愛是不會變成怨恨的。
I know tat i've met the 2nd n 3rd person already, but then the next person i met is the 2nd/3rd/4th person? and when will i meet tat person?
Sunday, March 05, 2006
and the Oscar goes to... Capote

P.S. The actor must be doing a good job in portraying the real person Truman Capote, i just think he looks so alike William Hung LOL n sort of dumbass silly boy wahhaha LOL (though a bit over-acting on being a fag in the beginning of the movie)
P.P.S (on noon of 6th March) Capote realli captures the best actor award! Congrats!!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
On Brokeback Mt.
Well i wanna hv my topic as 'bareback' mountain at first, but tat will be too much for a topic LOL. Okie so last nite me, Ant, Sunny n his fd went to watch the movie in IFC together. As many told me before, the theatre is full of gals n without much traces of AJs, tats sth out of my expectation indeed.
The movie is realli kinda flat as i expected, but there r still scenes tat touched me. One of em is when Ennis called to Jake's home n only then knew tat he's dead from an accident, the moment is so heart-breaking n sad... the movie is realli v successful to create such a bleak atmosphere though a picturesque Wyoming (the reality is Alberta, Canada). But to be honest, i dun hv extremely strong feelings after watching the movie. Part of the reason is probably i've nvr yet to experience my best half to pass away (or nvr experience anyone w close relationships (non-family bond type) w me passed away), i cant position myself to think how they feel like when their another half is gone.
Interestingly i related this movie to another famous Chinese 'gay' movie Lan Yu. There r soo many similarities between the two, both r abt homosexual love, live w social pressure n not realli running smooth for their love; esp. both r in a sad ending and one of the couple died. Was this a portrayal of AJs? the ending is always a gloomy bleak one?
I hope not.
The movie is realli kinda flat as i expected, but there r still scenes tat touched me. One of em is when Ennis called to Jake's home n only then knew tat he's dead from an accident, the moment is so heart-breaking n sad... the movie is realli v successful to create such a bleak atmosphere though a picturesque Wyoming (the reality is Alberta, Canada). But to be honest, i dun hv extremely strong feelings after watching the movie. Part of the reason is probably i've nvr yet to experience my best half to pass away (or nvr experience anyone w close relationships (non-family bond type) w me passed away), i cant position myself to think how they feel like when their another half is gone.
Interestingly i related this movie to another famous Chinese 'gay' movie Lan Yu. There r soo many similarities between the two, both r abt homosexual love, live w social pressure n not realli running smooth for their love; esp. both r in a sad ending and one of the couple died. Was this a portrayal of AJs? the ending is always a gloomy bleak one?
I hope not.