Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Stock Tech analysis - 0014 (Part II)
On Nov 24 (exactly 2 months ago)... i've mentioned this in my blog:
Stock Tech analysis - 0014
After two months, check this out:

It reached the target price as i 'forecast' of 20.5, yet i still didnt sell it! OMG!!! me dumbass!!!
Stock Tech analysis - 0014
After two months, check this out:

It reached the target price as i 'forecast' of 20.5, yet i still didnt sell it! OMG!!! me dumbass!!!
Mark Six Tonite!!!
Yesterday I asked some of my fds to give me a number for the Mark Six lottery TONITE! well, IF i m sooooo damn lucky and win the jackpot tonite (60 million!! WWWOOOHHHOOO!!!!), i'll give u guys who contribute a number to me for 1 million dollars!! waahahahaha =P =P =P
so let's check the result tonite after 9:30pm at HERE
7 9 19 23 24 28 31
so let's check the result tonite after 9:30pm at HERE
7 9 19 23 24 28 31
OOORRRGGGHHH... someone won our jackpot in the lottery!! DAMN!!! =P =P
well.... we got 2 number rite.... just 1 more can get the small prize la.... sighsigh
6 14 28 31 33 35 + 26
(thx for the 2 guys who contributed 28 & 31... we almost made it! =P =P)
P.S. just this afternoon, i realised that i hvnt posted out u guys' comment in my blogspot! oh i m sorrie for my blurness... dunno wat function i've triggered... well at least i know now... pls do keep on posting ur comments to my blog! THANKS!!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Do U Know... ?
just sth funny... how many of these trivials abt me do u know?
1. the color I like is blue and orange
2. i m a right-handed ppl, but i go lefty when using scissors n playing snooker
3. i can use both left hand n right hand for badminton n table tennis
4. i dun like to eat tiramisu actually
5. i'd go for chocolate in both cakes n ice-creams
6. of all sushis n sashimis, my best favorite is ikura (salmon roe)
7. my best favorite ramen is in miso soup base
8. when i change clothes, i change my shirt first then the pants
9. but when it's the gym changing room, i'll do the opposite (pants first)
10. i got drunk by 1 bottle of Heinekein
11. my favorite type of pizza is the thin-crispy-pan-type
12. i nvr been to salons before the age of 12
13. i only wear glasses after the age of 18, w 500 degrees of s.sightedness already
14. my favorite movie is American Beauty
15. my favorite cartoon character up-to-date is ojaru-maru
16. of those jpn cartoon characters i like, their voices r always dubbed by the same person in TV
17. i dun mix wasabi into soy sauce when i hv sushis
18. instead i put wasabi into the rice when i eat sushis
19. i cant spell my english name properly until primary 2
20. i m a bit narcissistic
21. i believe in love at first sight
22. i aspired to be an astronomer when i was a kid
23. i regret not joining the dragonboat team when i was studying in university
24. i also regret not hving the chance to learn piano when i was young
25. i played Fantasy Golf out of nowhere starting from uni.
26. my idol is Michael Jordan n Tiger Woods
27. my weight is at my heaviest now
28. i believe there is extra-terrestrial
29. i think roaches are spies from extra-terrestrial
30. up-to-date i got 2 love relationships
31. my tongue can touch my nose
32. my blood type is O+
33. i luv to eat all sorts of salty, crispy snacks (say chips, preztels, 柿の種)
34. i come out only at the age of 22
35. even HK is close to SE Asia, i only travelled once to there in last Nov.
36. the place i've yet to travel is N. Europe and USA
37. i dun want myself to be long-lived
38. i can eat half of a 12" pizza all by myself
39. almost 100% of my newly-met fds think i m a btm, which is not true
40. i hv a habit to collect tix stubs, say movies or flights
41. i record all my finance since i started my work in 2002
42. i m pretty much a perfectionist
43. i lost contacts to all my primary schoolmates
44. my family stay at our current flat for abt 20yrs
45. i've thought of suicide when i was a kid
46. i remembered my happiest / most exciting moment was when i got my first love / job offer
47. i hope i can try bungee jumping
48. the type of kid tat i hate most r bois who is overweighted n looks from China
49. i plan to write 100 but now i shortened it to 50
50. i spent two days in writing this hahaha
well if u know over half of the above, tell me! i wonder why u know me so well!!
1. the color I like is blue and orange
2. i m a right-handed ppl, but i go lefty when using scissors n playing snooker
3. i can use both left hand n right hand for badminton n table tennis
4. i dun like to eat tiramisu actually
5. i'd go for chocolate in both cakes n ice-creams
6. of all sushis n sashimis, my best favorite is ikura (salmon roe)
7. my best favorite ramen is in miso soup base
8. when i change clothes, i change my shirt first then the pants
9. but when it's the gym changing room, i'll do the opposite (pants first)
10. i got drunk by 1 bottle of Heinekein
11. my favorite type of pizza is the thin-crispy-pan-type
12. i nvr been to salons before the age of 12
13. i only wear glasses after the age of 18, w 500 degrees of s.sightedness already
14. my favorite movie is American Beauty
15. my favorite cartoon character up-to-date is ojaru-maru
16. of those jpn cartoon characters i like, their voices r always dubbed by the same person in TV
17. i dun mix wasabi into soy sauce when i hv sushis
18. instead i put wasabi into the rice when i eat sushis
19. i cant spell my english name properly until primary 2
20. i m a bit narcissistic
21. i believe in love at first sight
22. i aspired to be an astronomer when i was a kid
23. i regret not joining the dragonboat team when i was studying in university
24. i also regret not hving the chance to learn piano when i was young
25. i played Fantasy Golf out of nowhere starting from uni.
26. my idol is Michael Jordan n Tiger Woods
27. my weight is at my heaviest now
28. i believe there is extra-terrestrial
29. i think roaches are spies from extra-terrestrial
30. up-to-date i got 2 love relationships
31. my tongue can touch my nose
32. my blood type is O+
33. i luv to eat all sorts of salty, crispy snacks (say chips, preztels, 柿の種)
34. i come out only at the age of 22
35. even HK is close to SE Asia, i only travelled once to there in last Nov.
36. the place i've yet to travel is N. Europe and USA
37. i dun want myself to be long-lived
38. i can eat half of a 12" pizza all by myself
39. almost 100% of my newly-met fds think i m a btm, which is not true
40. i hv a habit to collect tix stubs, say movies or flights
41. i record all my finance since i started my work in 2002
42. i m pretty much a perfectionist
43. i lost contacts to all my primary schoolmates
44. my family stay at our current flat for abt 20yrs
45. i've thought of suicide when i was a kid
46. i remembered my happiest / most exciting moment was when i got my first love / job offer
47. i hope i can try bungee jumping
48. the type of kid tat i hate most r bois who is overweighted n looks from China
49. i plan to write 100 but now i shortened it to 50
50. i spent two days in writing this hahaha
well if u know over half of the above, tell me! i wonder why u know me so well!!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I tot u will read this...
Anthony told me sth written on Leo's blog site, and so i've taken a look at it (honestly i hvnt keep update on reading of ur blog)... oh u r talkin abt me =) well, but after reading several entries, i feel the urge to write this... probably this is the first entry i m writing for someone haaa
well it has been several months after we broke up, i do hope we can still be doing fine as good fds... yeh as u said in ur entries, i can feel u r being so awkward n uncomfortable when u see me, i wonder why would tat happen... is it becoz of the way i behaved? or really as u said it's abt ur character? honestly i dun wanna put the blame on u, but i think its the latter...
I had hesitated before asking u to come to my b-day dinner on sunday, but i finally invited u since i didnt come to urs last nov, and just hope that u can come to share the joy w me... nothing much... but i shd realli thx u again for ur b-day cake (honestly, u r the one who knows me the best =) among the presents)
I do wanna let u know tat i still always wanna we to be fds as before, though i hv fewer contacts w u now, i always cherish u as my fd... after these months, i hope we can meet again as usual like before =)
finally, i must clarify sth!!!
- ur guess is totally wrong! i hv no luv feeling w Zee at all!!! he's a great nice guy, but.... (hehe anyone wanna know shd ask me privately)
- thx for linking my blog site in ur blog, i nvr realise that before
- as many bloggers say, blog is sth abt one's own personal thing, i dun mind sharing w my fds here =)
- wat i said of 'being loved' in my sunday's entry, i just mean i feel so warm n loved by u guys as u r all gd fds to me and this is the first time i received 4 gifts at the same time =) muaks muaks to all of u!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
This is hilarious... Read Below
i cant help myself laughing when reading this, note w all those proverbs they r using (i highlighted em in RED)
2006/01/18 15:23
財華社香港新聞中心。 今日消息面國稅總局局長謝人旭昨日表示,內外資兩套所得稅法將合並,該政策將有利於國內經濟發展,對股市來說也是中長期利好。今日中國股市再現強勁攀升走勢,演繹一輪逼空行情.早盤股指震蕩上漲,量能配合不足,買盤略為猶豫,午後在中石化再創新高及各板塊全面活躍的推動下,股指向上發力,滬綜指一舉突破前期高點1231.22點,創出本輪行情以來的新高點1234.53點,最終兩市均收之一根光頭光腳的長陽線,強勢特征凸現.受A、B即將合並傳聞影響,上海B股表現直如烈火烹油,收報77.62點,暴漲9.12%﹔盤面觀察,個股普漲,熱點紛呈,午後增量資金蜂涌入場,各類科技股、網絡股大幅上揚,鋁業股強勢不改,銀行、石化等權重板塊漲勢如虹,成交量,市場人氣高漲,大盤經過前几日的震蕩整理之後,獲利籌碼得到清洗,並聚集了再創新高的能量,今日量價齊升,後市料可看高一線.深成指報收3123.04點,漲3.26%,滬綜指報收1233.35點,漲2.06%,兩市成交共計210.25億(人民幣,下同),比昨日放大逾三成。新綜指收報1020.94點,漲1.88%。中小企業板指數收報1508.58點,漲1.33%。揚子石化(000866-CN)漲1.10%,報收11.95元,G鞍鋼(000898-CN)漲1.02%,報收3.97元,G中興(000063-CN)漲0.36%,報收27.60元,G長電(600900-CN)漲1.19%,報收6.81元,G寶鋼(600019-CN)漲1.01%,報收3.99元,中國石化(600028-CN)漲2.33%,報收4.83元,中國聯通(600050-CN)漲2.55%,報收2.82元。 午後市場熱點出現全面開花,各路板塊競相博漲,賺錢效應再次顯現。首先是以上海石化(600688-CN)、中石化為首的石化板塊領漲,二者均創出近期新高,極大地鼓舞了士氣,上海石化走勢強勁,今日漲4.94%,其餘几大指標股全部飄紅。 在江西水泥(000789-CN)漲停帶動下,網絡股全線啟動,聚友網絡(000693)、海虹控股(000503-CN)均漲逾4%﹔其他各類科技股亦聞風而動,老牌科技股深科技A(000021-CN)強勢漲停,電子元器件股再度發飆,有研硅股(600206-CN)漲停,華微電子(600360-CN)漲7.23%. 鋁業股在國際期鋁及滬鋁連創新高刺激下,再度大幅走強,云鋁股份(000807-CN)漲停,包頭鋁業(600472-CN)漲8.21%,關鋁股份(000831-CN)漲8.41%. 上海本地股開始不甘寂寞,開開實業(600272-CN)漲停,方正科技(600601-CN)漲6.48%;銀行股發力上攻,浦發行(600000-CN)發布未經審計的05年年報,淨利潤增近25%,今日強勁上漲6.31%,華夏銀行(600015-CN)、民生銀行(600015-CN)分別漲4.95%、3.80%。 大盤揚升,ST股再度遭市場冷落,兩市下跌股票基本以該板塊為主,*ST新智(600503-CN)跌停,*ST國瓷(600286-CN)跌3.45%;因業績續虧而面臨退市風險警示的銅城集團(000672-CN)跌3.75%. 今日滬深B股強勁反彈,均出現令人咋舌的暴漲,上演了一輪逼空行情,看來AB股合並傳聞的餘威未了,兩市最終雙雙以極其可觀的漲幅報收,其中滬B指几近漲停.個股出現久違的全線飄紅,強勢特征突出,兩市漲停個股竟達31家,實在令人大跌眼鏡,滬B的氯鹼B(900908-CN)、鳳凰B(900916-CN)等20餘家本地小盤股均漲停,深B的京東方B(200725-CN)、晨鳴B(200488-CN)等漲停. 深圳A股收市報312.18點,漲1.98%,深圳B股241.31點,漲7.55%﹔上海A股1294.52點,漲1.98%,上海B股77.62點,漲9.12%
i wonder how the writer of this piece of article can change some dull n boring financial information into such dramatic 'stories' =P
2006/01/18 15:23
財華社香港新聞中心。 今日消息面國稅總局局長謝人旭昨日表示,內外資兩套所得稅法將合並,該政策將有利於國內經濟發展,對股市來說也是中長期利好。今日中國股市再現強勁攀升走勢,演繹一輪逼空行情.早盤股指震蕩上漲,量能配合不足,買盤略為猶豫,午後在中石化再創新高及各板塊全面活躍的推動下,股指向上發力,滬綜指一舉突破前期高點1231.22點,創出本輪行情以來的新高點1234.53點,最終兩市均收之一根光頭光腳的長陽線,強勢特征凸現.受A、B即將合並傳聞影響,上海B股表現直如烈火烹油,收報77.62點,暴漲9.12%﹔盤面觀察,個股普漲,熱點紛呈,午後增量資金蜂涌入場,各類科技股、網絡股大幅上揚,鋁業股強勢不改,銀行、石化等權重板塊漲勢如虹,成交量,市場人氣高漲,大盤經過前几日的震蕩整理之後,獲利籌碼得到清洗,並聚集了再創新高的能量,今日量價齊升,後市料可看高一線.深成指報收3123.04點,漲3.26%,滬綜指報收1233.35點,漲2.06%,兩市成交共計210.25億(人民幣,下同),比昨日放大逾三成。新綜指收報1020.94點,漲1.88%。中小企業板指數收報1508.58點,漲1.33%。揚子石化(000866-CN)漲1.10%,報收11.95元,G鞍鋼(000898-CN)漲1.02%,報收3.97元,G中興(000063-CN)漲0.36%,報收27.60元,G長電(600900-CN)漲1.19%,報收6.81元,G寶鋼(600019-CN)漲1.01%,報收3.99元,中國石化(600028-CN)漲2.33%,報收4.83元,中國聯通(600050-CN)漲2.55%,報收2.82元。 午後市場熱點出現全面開花,各路板塊競相博漲,賺錢效應再次顯現。首先是以上海石化(600688-CN)、中石化為首的石化板塊領漲,二者均創出近期新高,極大地鼓舞了士氣,上海石化走勢強勁,今日漲4.94%,其餘几大指標股全部飄紅。 在江西水泥(000789-CN)漲停帶動下,網絡股全線啟動,聚友網絡(000693)、海虹控股(000503-CN)均漲逾4%﹔其他各類科技股亦聞風而動,老牌科技股深科技A(000021-CN)強勢漲停,電子元器件股再度發飆,有研硅股(600206-CN)漲停,華微電子(600360-CN)漲7.23%. 鋁業股在國際期鋁及滬鋁連創新高刺激下,再度大幅走強,云鋁股份(000807-CN)漲停,包頭鋁業(600472-CN)漲8.21%,關鋁股份(000831-CN)漲8.41%. 上海本地股開始不甘寂寞,開開實業(600272-CN)漲停,方正科技(600601-CN)漲6.48%;銀行股發力上攻,浦發行(600000-CN)發布未經審計的05年年報,淨利潤增近25%,今日強勁上漲6.31%,華夏銀行(600015-CN)、民生銀行(600015-CN)分別漲4.95%、3.80%。 大盤揚升,ST股再度遭市場冷落,兩市下跌股票基本以該板塊為主,*ST新智(600503-CN)跌停,*ST國瓷(600286-CN)跌3.45%;因業績續虧而面臨退市風險警示的銅城集團(000672-CN)跌3.75%. 今日滬深B股強勁反彈,均出現令人咋舌的暴漲,上演了一輪逼空行情,看來AB股合並傳聞的餘威未了,兩市最終雙雙以極其可觀的漲幅報收,其中滬B指几近漲停.個股出現久違的全線飄紅,強勢特征突出,兩市漲停個股竟達31家,實在令人大跌眼鏡,滬B的氯鹼B(900908-CN)、鳳凰B(900916-CN)等20餘家本地小盤股均漲停,深B的京東方B(200725-CN)、晨鳴B(200488-CN)等漲停. 深圳A股收市報312.18點,漲1.98%,深圳B股241.31點,漲7.55%﹔上海A股1294.52點,漲1.98%,上海B股77.62點,漲9.12%
i wonder how the writer of this piece of article can change some dull n boring financial information into such dramatic 'stories' =P
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Thx u all x 1000000..... + Happy B-day to me =)
Dear my gd gd fds,
I am soooooooo happy n felt pleasure to hv u guys to hv a dinner w me tonite =) u guys r too good to me la, and i didnt expect u guys to give me sooo many gifts la =) ur presence to the dinner already meant a lot to me and i didnt expect gifts or even cake (thx Leo =)) .... anyway... i felt i m being loved, n i must really say a thousand thx to u guys =) honestly, this is the v first time i tried to ask my fds to come to hv dinner w me together.... finally, i must realli say i luv u guys =)
I feel i m being loved =)

I am soooooooo happy n felt pleasure to hv u guys to hv a dinner w me tonite =) u guys r too good to me la, and i didnt expect u guys to give me sooo many gifts la =) ur presence to the dinner already meant a lot to me and i didnt expect gifts or even cake (thx Leo =)) .... anyway... i felt i m being loved, n i must really say a thousand thx to u guys =) honestly, this is the v first time i tried to ask my fds to come to hv dinner w me together.... finally, i must realli say i luv u guys =)
I feel i m being loved =)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
See if ur surname appears here...
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Work on a cold Saturday
damn... today is freezingly C.O.L.D....... n i got running nose the previous day...
and.... Tuen Mun is just 6 degrees!!!!! geeeeezzzzzzzz
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Entry No. One 2006
F.I.N.A.L.L.Y i got my first blog entry in 2006! i'd like to write one already on 1.1, but so many things kept on dragging me until NOW... phew... i shall give myself higher priority in blogging =P
so as my memory has been washed down after several days... i'll just hv a summary on wat i've dun, enjoyed, achieved n inspired over the NY holidays n the last two days...
To start w, a good news for me from a mail... i passed the Chinese CRE exam!!! yyaahhhooooo!!!!! okie, i shall try harder to find another job now... "offer expires till Dec 2007" =P
n I spent my NY eve / NY countdown in Anthony's hse together w Jam... wat did we do? we got countdown potluck! yay... small but warm n cozy... such a nice way to spend the time w my best fds =) sth interesting tat Jam is saying am leading to a typical AJ's life now? oh i feel surprised / awkward by tat... did I? hm, let see: workout in cali (counts one); listen to gay icon singer's songs (madonna, sandy lam)?? (objection! i just hv two or three songs in my iPod!!) (oh well, counts two); wearing tight-fit tees (not tight at all lah, juz fits in my body =P) (counts three); tanning (counts four); like to go to SG!? (huh?) (counts five).... uh-oh.... i sounds like one realli =P anyway... it's nothing to feel bad, just not to act badly in public i think...
then it's 2006! the first big event is sure CR903 music award! (haaa) .... soooo bad that i cant go this year, in which i've been going for the past 3 yrs! sighhhh, to my big surprise, Eason Chan sweepstaked the whole event w 6 big prizes!!! tot Leo Ku can share one or two from him... but the biggest upset is Joey Yung who won the gold for female singer!!! she cheated tat from denise ho!!!! cheater!

so as my memory has been washed down after several days... i'll just hv a summary on wat i've dun, enjoyed, achieved n inspired over the NY holidays n the last two days...
To start w, a good news for me from a mail... i passed the Chinese CRE exam!!! yyaahhhooooo!!!!! okie, i shall try harder to find another job now... "offer expires till Dec 2007" =P
n I spent my NY eve / NY countdown in Anthony's hse together w Jam... wat did we do? we got countdown potluck! yay... small but warm n cozy... such a nice way to spend the time w my best fds =) sth interesting tat Jam is saying am leading to a typical AJ's life now? oh i feel surprised / awkward by tat... did I? hm, let see: workout in cali (counts one); listen to gay icon singer's songs (madonna, sandy lam)?? (objection! i just hv two or three songs in my iPod!!) (oh well, counts two); wearing tight-fit tees (not tight at all lah, juz fits in my body =P) (counts three); tanning (counts four); like to go to SG!? (huh?) (counts five).... uh-oh.... i sounds like one realli =P anyway... it's nothing to feel bad, just not to act badly in public i think...
then it's 2006! the first big event is sure CR903 music award! (haaa) .... soooo bad that i cant go this year, in which i've been going for the past 3 yrs! sighhhh, to my big surprise, Eason Chan sweepstaked the whole event w 6 big prizes!!! tot Leo Ku can share one or two from him... but the biggest upset is Joey Yung who won the gold for female singer!!! she cheated tat from denise ho!!!! cheater!

and then it's yesterday... had dinner w my gd bro Tom n other fds for celebrating his b-day, YAY!! feel so happy n great tat it's the first time i felt (or shd be realised) tat all my gd fds hv b-day in abt the same period (Dec / Jan /Feb)... tat was sooo interesting =P will goin to hv more b-day celebrations w fds!! (n myself is coming near =P)
finally its some good news in the financial aspect... i've made a fortune already on the first two days of the stock mkt open in 2006 =P =P my 2006's recommendation: 2038 =P =P