Sunday, October 23, 2005
My Marathon (10K)
Sth that i always wanna give a try, i've enrolled to this yr's SC Marathon (to be precise... just enrolled the 10k race).

Possibly a big challenge to myself, i've started my first session of 'running practice' today... wow the run is realllliiii A.W.E.S.O.M.E.... can only get as far as 7 laps (i.e. 2.8k)... and i m exhausted! better get more practice in the coming weeks =)
btw, this just recalled a Korean movie that i watched earlier called "Marathon". Starring w/ Seung-woo Cho, its a realife story of an autism runner who fighted against all odds to participate in his favorite sports - marathon. The story is a touching one, n it got me impressed on what his mom did... probably it showed how difficult autism parents r facing w their kids. Not to say the main actor Cho is a cute handsome hottie =P
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Ganbatte ne!~
Lets see who will run for a better time...
Obviously, I'm challenging u! wakaka... =P
Ganbatte ne!~
Lets see who will run for a better time...
Obviously, I'm challenging u! wakaka... =P
and i'm running the half-marathon! i will 'date' you beside the golden bauhania that morning! don't leave without me :)
oh *blush* ... i got a date *grin grin*
well we r probably wet after the running wor kekeee wat u wanna do? =P
well, sure i will bring me a dc that day
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well we r probably wet after the running wor kekeee wat u wanna do? =P
well, sure i will bring me a dc that day
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