Thursday, October 20, 2005


The Manchild
Random Brutal Love Dreamer (RBLDm)

Hopeful. Awkward. Soft-headed. Fire intrigues you. You are The Manchild.

Okay, Manchildren have some good qualities. They can be unpredictable, brash, magnetic--and therefore highly charismatic. Particularly, you're passionate and are often a hell of a lot of fun.

But we'd like you to consider not using OkCupid. You can be unthinking and hurtful, and we think you LIKE seeing bad things happen. You've had a moderate number of relationships, but broken a disproportionate number of hearts. In total, you mean well, but don't really have it together.

It's up to you, of course, whether to continue dating. There are plenty of men out there who do deserve you. But you've heard our advice.

If you stay...
ALWAYS AVOID: The Bachelor

CONSIDER: The Vapor Trail.

Your exact opposite:
The Bachelor

Deliberate Gentle Sex Master

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.

I DUN LIKE seeing bad things happen!!!

---Quotes from the insane Cartoon "I M WESAEL"---

I R BABOON: (Looking at a girl with beard on her face and stupefied) "WhY A liTtle giRL hAve BEaRd???"

Little girl: "Well, because my mom is a woman and my dad is a man."

I R BABOON: (Double Take)

wahahaha... shd do some pics editing =P
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