Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Adrenaline Rushing
I just know that today will be a money-making day in the stock market, but not to expect the sort of adrenaline rushing am going to experience in shortly several hours' time...
9:2X AM
Already cant wait and log-in the securities account, and key-in the number that i've read last nite: "doh-mi-soh"... i know i cant miss this today
9:30 AM
Without first checking the price, i've already made an At-Final-Auction-Price bid... after that, checked on the price... well it's already $4, a 10% rise ... but expected and reasonable
9:50 AM
The pre-market price fickles around 3.95 and 4.00, n settled at 3.95... i've saved $500 on my entry =P
10:0X AM
With the first click of Refresh, the price is already showing 4.1 / 4.125, wow that was quite a jump, the price then staggered at this level for like some tens of minutes
~11:00 AM
The first 'twitch' of the price came... well i m hoping it to go up n up more! am getting a bit excited...
11:3X AM
Kept seeing Deutsch placed bids in the past few minutes... and all of a sudden ... 4.35 ... 4.4 ... 4.5 .... OMG... now reached 4.675!! (already off from high of 4.7!!!) i hv seconds of blankness and then its a BIG RUSH of ADRENALINE into my brain...wat's going on?? the next few mins am in ecstasy, contemplating how big is the quick money i m getting... OMG, this must be THE most quickest profit i have ever earned so far! Even the phone-in radio program is talking abt the stock! oh but the host said sth quite alarming... beware of having a 'shooting star' at market close today, hm....
12:2X PM
Am already in a state of frenzy in the past 20 mins or so and tot the stock price to shoot $5 or even more more, without regarding the falling prices already. Just hope there is a technical rebound and whatsoever... it's back to 4.375/ 4.4 - 4.4 / 4.425... oh dear i hope it's back to 4.5 .... and i placed a SELL there
2:3X PM
Hoping it to rebound a little bit but in vain and the price never realli going up... my mind is in tumult now and keep keying my excel file with various prices, calculating my realised profit and prices... realised tat the profit is shrinking fast...
3:1X PM
The price now flops to 4.175 / 4.2... oh my god i cant wait to sell as i see its trying down the strong 'support' at 4.2 (whenever price hit below that, the Deutsch came n swept the stocks)... i finally sold IT, but strange enuff, there's not much a sense of ecstasy, but rather keep thinking of how the profit was IF it'd selling like hours or mins ago... and even later... i see the price rising a bit to 4.2 / 4.225 ... damn!... am soo impatient that i wanna get in again... but finally didnt get any even at mkt close

Read an article quite some time ago abt the psychological effect on winning a $1 vs losing $1 from the stock mkt... it's realised that the degree of 'satisfaction' in winning that $1 is only measured half of the 'pain' of losing $1, that explains when the price shoots to $4.XX, am damn super optimistic and think the price can keep rocketeering, even ignoring previous prices... but then when i sold the stock finally in PM, it made me feel like LOSING the money right from 4.7 to the price i sold... wow the 'pain' is realli setting into my thoughts! tat's why even i m gaining from this windfall trade... i m still not as happy as i got a profit from just hours of trade...
oh this has what to be all talking about: --->
9:2X AM
Already cant wait and log-in the securities account, and key-in the number that i've read last nite: "doh-mi-soh"... i know i cant miss this today
9:30 AM
Without first checking the price, i've already made an At-Final-Auction-Price bid... after that, checked on the price... well it's already $4, a 10% rise ... but expected and reasonable
9:50 AM
The pre-market price fickles around 3.95 and 4.00, n settled at 3.95... i've saved $500 on my entry =P
10:0X AM
With the first click of Refresh, the price is already showing 4.1 / 4.125, wow that was quite a jump, the price then staggered at this level for like some tens of minutes
~11:00 AM
The first 'twitch' of the price came... well i m hoping it to go up n up more! am getting a bit excited...
11:3X AM
Kept seeing Deutsch placed bids in the past few minutes... and all of a sudden ... 4.35 ... 4.4 ... 4.5 .... OMG... now reached 4.675!! (already off from high of 4.7!!!) i hv seconds of blankness and then its a BIG RUSH of ADRENALINE into my brain...wat's going on?? the next few mins am in ecstasy, contemplating how big is the quick money i m getting... OMG, this must be THE most quickest profit i have ever earned so far! Even the phone-in radio program is talking abt the stock! oh but the host said sth quite alarming... beware of having a 'shooting star' at market close today, hm....
12:2X PM
Am already in a state of frenzy in the past 20 mins or so and tot the stock price to shoot $5 or even more more, without regarding the falling prices already. Just hope there is a technical rebound and whatsoever... it's back to 4.375/ 4.4 - 4.4 / 4.425... oh dear i hope it's back to 4.5 .... and i placed a SELL there
2:3X PM
Hoping it to rebound a little bit but in vain and the price never realli going up... my mind is in tumult now and keep keying my excel file with various prices, calculating my realised profit and prices... realised tat the profit is shrinking fast...
3:1X PM
The price now flops to 4.175 / 4.2... oh my god i cant wait to sell as i see its trying down the strong 'support' at 4.2 (whenever price hit below that, the Deutsch came n swept the stocks)... i finally sold IT, but strange enuff, there's not much a sense of ecstasy, but rather keep thinking of how the profit was IF it'd selling like hours or mins ago... and even later... i see the price rising a bit to 4.2 / 4.225 ... damn!... am soo impatient that i wanna get in again... but finally didnt get any even at mkt close

Read an article quite some time ago abt the psychological effect on winning a $1 vs losing $1 from the stock mkt... it's realised that the degree of 'satisfaction' in winning that $1 is only measured half of the 'pain' of losing $1, that explains when the price shoots to $4.XX, am damn super optimistic and think the price can keep rocketeering, even ignoring previous prices... but then when i sold the stock finally in PM, it made me feel like LOSING the money right from 4.7 to the price i sold... wow the 'pain' is realli setting into my thoughts! tat's why even i m gaining from this windfall trade... i m still not as happy as i got a profit from just hours of trade...
oh this has what to be all talking about: --->