Saturday, March 22, 2008

Vantage Point

Tonite I went to watch the movie "Vantage Point" with my frens, oh well the movie honestly to me is a crap and a load of stupid drama. BUT I would like to make such a line for this movie:
"Latinos are sooooooooooo hot in uniforms!" LOL

Thursday, March 20, 2008

消費最貴城市 港居亞洲第四

消費最貴城市 港居亞洲第四

(星島日報報道)瑞士UBS銀行經濟師的研究顯示,受到匯率變動的影響,對遊客而言,全球四大昂貴城市均為歐洲城市,名列榜首的是挪威奧斯陸,次為倫敦、哥本哈根及都柏林。在亞洲區,最昂貴的城市為東京,次為首爾及新加坡,香港排第四位。研究表示,由於美元 弱勢,在美國 城市消費變得廉宜得多,例如紐約 在全球昂貴城市榜上只排十八位,比東京、布魯塞爾及里昂 等城市的排名還要低。


  如果手頭不太鬆動但希望外遊散心,可考慮選擇前往全球三大廉宜城市吉隆坡 、布宜諾斯艾利斯及孟買。不過,對當地住客而言是另一回事。連同租屋花費計算在內,倫敦是全球最昂貴城市,次為奧斯陸、都柏林、哥本哈根及紐約。本報記者

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

地鐵路線圖 (I prefer this name)

地鐵已經變成左「港鐵」,最開心既係新既地鐵路線圖而家終於好似外國D 路線圖咁,花綠綠有好多條線, 好型呀!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

大力推荐 - 男人KFC!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


今日我終於換左我用超過3年既 NOKIA 6230 啦! 新既手機係最近出品既 6500C (我始終都係 NOKIA 既 HARDCORE FANS) 各位如果有興趣可以上去睇睇點樣...,,103873,00.html

咁話說去到 NOKIA 店到買, 我問 SALES 可唔可以將舊電話裡面既相同資料,SMS 傳去新電話, 佢話要試一試...攪左一輪之後, 個位 SALES話我知 D SMS 唔可以傳過去新電話呀!!! >____< 裡面儲左我過去差唔多 4年幾既短訊... 最後我只係將3個短訊轉左去新電話......


求你要開心 要珍惜健康 盼你別要逼你自己忙
何以想親口說的不能講 要借助這短訊扮交往
十個call 六個call 亦算想念我
然後我 說懷念悔改都不妥
迷惑過 難受過 難得肯撩我
總有丁點感動過 再別見面能夠麼?

我未信 親口不敢說的短訊
要是你 敢開口表態便有種
我恨我 都不敢覆你的短訊
你共我 客套話無謂信 (我恨我 以退為進)

誰對我差得我甘心認輸 當你大概好友亦不容
而你敢勾引我稱呼“傻豬” 我憤怒過轉眼又寬恕

我未信 親口不敢說的短訊
要是你 你願意出來講聲有種
我恨我 都不敢覆你的短訊
我恨我 無了賴寧願信

和你已分開怕真的和好 你已被我打了入天牢
誰料到今天當手機是寶 你隻字亦要洗去做不到

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Alibaba and the IPO Thieves

(Adopted from )

Alibaba and the IPO Thieves
By Rick Aristotle Munarriz October 10, 2007

In what appears to be another shrewd overseas investment, The Wall Street Journal reports, Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) is looking to buy $100 million worth of stock in the Chinese trading site's upcoming IPO.

Keep in mind that Yahoo! already owns a piece of the popular e-commerce site that hooks up businesses looking to import and export goods in and out of China. Yahoo! paid $1 billion for a 40% stake in's parent company, Alibaba Group, two years ago.

The market will tell the tale on how the new $100 million investment pans out, but the $1 billion investment in 2005 has appreciated considerably. According to the term sheet, the site is looking to raise as much as $1 billion by selling a 17% stake to the public. So even if there isn't a pop at the open, is valued at nearly $6 billion.

That's a lot more than the $2.5 billion that Alibaba Group was valued at when Yahoo! bought in two years ago. And is just a subsidiary. Alibaba watches over several properties including Yahoo! China and Taobao.

If you're not familiar with Taobao, it's the consumer-to-consumer auction site that has been giving eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) fits in China.

So it's easy to see why things can heat up for Yahoo! if the IPO is a hit. A few healthy trading days can result in billions of unrealized gains for Yahoo! on paper. It would also be the catalyst to get investors to fully appreciate the company's diverse investments in hot Asian markets.

Investors often ignore the billions that Yahoo! has in play in Japan, China, and Korea. Even financial journalists can stray. Marketwatch ran a story yesterday, suggesting that Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) is cheaper than Yahoo!. The crux of the argument is that Google trades at a little more than 30 times next year's bottom-line target, while Yahoo! is valued at a substantially higher multiple.

Value is relative, as in your third cousin
The problem with relying on P/E ratios to value Yahoo! is that a good chunk of Yahoo!'s market cap is backed by its investments in Yahoo! Japan, Alibaba Group, and Gmarket (Nasdaq: GMKT). Yahoo! Japan is the biggest component of that, but a well-received Alibaba IPO can create a meaty addition in the portfolio that has mostly been up to guesswork in the past. The assumptions and wishful thinking end once the stock begins trading in a few weeks.

How big a pop will we see for (Nasdaq: BIDU) is China's most popular website. The search engine giant is valued at $11.2 billion. Could Alibaba double off its IPO price to lap Baidu? It can happen. Baidu's valuation may also creep higher in sympathy.

We can't rely on just Web traffic, of course. Search engines are lucrative, high-margin enterprises, but there's some serious money to be made in enabling business-to-business commerce, where Alibaba is a juggernaut. Just look at how well a company like LoopNet (Nasdaq: LOOP) is doing closer to home, hooking up buyers and sellers in the surprisingly resilient commercial real estate market. (Brush up on LoopNet's past quarter.)

Ultimately, it will be's financials and the market's appetite for its growth story that dictate its worth. It's doing just fine on the fiscal front. Reuters reports that Goldman Sachs is forecasting a profit of $83.8 million this year, a sharp 186% spurt from 2006. That's actually better than Baidu, where Wall Street is looking for Baidu to grow its bottom line by 105%, to roughly $77 million this year.

The growth story is just as tantalizing. Alibaba accounts for more than two-thirds of the B2B online action taking place in China, sourcing goods for a growing list of small and mid-sized businesses in the world's most populous nation.

So Yahoo! knows exactly what it's doing in buying 10% of the freshly minted shares at the IPO price. As long as the Chinese stock market doesn't take a tumble between now and then, it's holding all of the right lottery tickets.

Can't get in on the IPO? Join the club. Looking for a back door? Hop on Yahoo! to ride the coattails of a coattail rider.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Y Stock Trade / Invest?

well this is just a blog post to match w the recent craze abt stock trading in HK... and as most frens know me as a "Stock Trader", i'd just wanna share my tots abt this (hah if u r expecting stock tips, come ask me in person... P.S. but not tat accurate at all LOL)

honestly the first notion of stock trade comes to my mind is tat it's like a game... in a sense tat it is exciting, giving moments of adrenaline rush (ups or downs) and satisfaction, and of course rewarding (but not consider in the first place... realli..) well since i've shown interest in numbers when i was at a v young age, i can clearly remember the stock quotes in news report caught my attention in primary school alreadi (like why HK stocks r ending in cents but US r in 16-denominator quotes), however, i've only hv 'contact' w stocks onli during my uni studies. I felt so much interested when i joined the simulated stock exch game, and can remember when i bought HK Telecom (now PCCW) at $26, and believing that HKEX is a gd stock n bought at sth like $1X... but these r still not real

it was only when i just grad from uni that i owned the v first stock (by my own money!), and i've kept it since then... and it was only since 2005 tat i tried to be 'stock trading' n later even 'warrant trading'... then i felt all the luvs n hates in this 'adult game' LOL

so wat i wanna say is tat dun treat stock trading is just a money making process, it's more like a mind training stuff n to enjoy this 'game'=p

Friday, September 14, 2007


I learnt a new word!

Main Entry: cho·re·og·ra·phy
Pronunciation: "kor-E-'ä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -phies

Etymology: French chorégraphie, from Greek choreia + French -graphie -graphy
1 : the art of symbolically representing dancing
2 a : the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet
b : a composition created by this art
3 : something resembling choreography

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


今日食 lunch 埋單走個時,店內一名討厭肥港女與一個伙記之對話:

肥:我明明叫左碗米線 GA WOR,依家呢碗係油麵咁點呀?
伙記:ERR... 咁呀,小姐你食過(個碗油麵)未 GA?

如果個名肥港女係介意俾錯左碗油麵比佢, 咁佢就唔應該食到一半先叫伙記換啦!!!


P.S. Thanks again for everyone of u who has read my blog, and esp. the comments u guys have given me... I've never know that u guys will read it =)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Talking to Myself

It was only until recently that I realised this even though I've experienced the same feeling for many many times in the past few years: I am simply a FAILURE...

For many parts of my life, i had always experienced this: rejection, failure, unsuccessful... no matter it is a job interview, an audition, an application, and to more abstract things like recognition, acceptance... at the very beginning I thought all these were related to my character: not very high self-esteem, or my always nervous character... however after repeated failures, i think this is not the actual reason, but i m simply a person of poor skills in many senses and just having a too high expectation on my own self...

This is rather upset for me to know this reality at such a late time, as I think I've passed thro' the most effective learning stage in my life already... I've also think that only if there are chances I can make a change to this, but it also seems to be not that true... as the same cycle comes every time: chances, hopes, failure, despair...

I have realli no idea now on what to do with my situation, and in a very negative way, I think i may almost go for terminating my own self (but glad I never have this idea and do it)... sigh, but what to do then?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thoughts fr the Incident

1. I'll realli need a hard time to improve my own self...
2. It is terrible to know the effect of influencing others
3. There should be a big change in the way i deal w frens, and now the 'target audience' changes too

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Guy Without a Heart

There's a saying that "misfortunes never comes singly", and I've been rocked by not only the career thing, or the investment thing, but most of all the FRIENDSHIP thing...

It is always my belief (or being expressed without noticing myself) that being true is not (or not going to be) a very bad thing, and at the same time I notice my shortcomings in whatever aspects (mentally, character-wise, etc.), however all these are not-so-accepted in this cruel real life. I felt like I had offended the influential class boy and being bullied in all aspects of school life, and all of a sudden i felt terrified, frightened and scared... the goal may have succeeded, but the hurt or effect is always there and can never be perfectly healed. What I m terrifying sorry n frightened now is that the person I hurted (or ever hurted) are all my best frens i realised, and all of a sudden... my life is doomed without any frens (this is sth i always scared even from my childhood).

Thinking deeply my character is sure not meant to be good, but i can nvr realise i maybe such a human rumble (oh dear), someone reading this may feel i m such a sore loser, but hey this is the real me... the notion of frens being walked away one-by-one scared me a lot lot, as i m realli the stupidest guy on earth that i need "instructions" or someone to give me ways (maybe this is sth on Earth that cannot be tolerated). Or maybe i m simply living in a too simple world, and thinking that everyone will be nice n friendly, but not knowing everyone still got love n hates...

since i lost my first boi i've been realised of the issue and i was always trying hard to improve myself, but maybe the issue is getting more and more serious over time, and my big black day has come somehow... afterall i realli have to thank you for telling me all the things, but at the same time i TOTALLY lost the confidence (i dun hv much alreadi) in dealing wif any friends in the future, i just sound like a poor kid, but this is such a misery...

"you will later feel that all frens of urs r just passer-bys in ur life and u will never have a gd fren".... well u nailed it and totally shot into my heart, and i m zombie-dead now. are u a saint or winner or saviour? i wonder if this is a lose-lose (but which u dont think and maybe smiling n clapping mischievously in a corner... maybe in a round table)

* This piece of blog is meant to be the secret piece and never meant to be read by anyone... if u so happened to read it, u r now reading my most inside feeling

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

0分的女人都到處跑... 同意!!!

最近迷上了黃立行的歌,又酷又有型 =p

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The long-delayed TPE trip photos =)

TPE 28/4 - 1/5...





from 一家餃子店牆壁

台北車站加州更衣室門外 =)

從機艙看天朗氣清的台北... 狠希望快點再來

Monday, April 23, 2007


a few pairs of frens of mine recently broke up (how coincidence... all at ard the same time), and i feel pity for them... but at the same time, sth sad comes up w my mind... why it is always like this in tis circle? (though i know some exceptions too, but the number is comparably in rarity)

the thing is: no matter the two r the rather 'stable' type or being 'playful', the result is the same... then wat is the 'ingredient' that makes a pair together for a long time??

Monday, April 16, 2007


最近我超喜歡的一首歌... 孫燕姿拿手的歌目... 在歌中有著隱隱的傷痛和難過...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What!? I switched from a Manchild to a Bachelor!?!?

The Bachelor
Deliberate Gentle Sex Master (DGSMm)

Straight-up. Studly. Congratulations, you are The Bachelor.

You're an honest, good-thinking guy, and though you're very sexually active, people don't perceive you as a male-slut or man-whore or guy-dick-putter-inner or whatever. You have a sterling reputation.

You're a careful person, perhaps too much so for your friends' tastes, but guys like that in you. You probably don't kiss & tell. And you definitely don't brag. You know you don't have to prove anything to anyone. It's as if you believe in monogamy, so long as it's with lots of different people.

Our guess is that you've got some kind of word-of-mouth going with the boys out there, and that in the future, your sex partners will get even more plentiful, and more attractive, too.

Your exact opposite:
The Manchild

Random Brutal Love Dreamer
You will settle down eventually, and make an excellent husband. You seem like the type who is into the idea of making copies of yourself, so you'll probably adopt lots of kids. Bear in mind, meanwhile, this can get expensive.

ALTERNATE ENDING: You will die broke and alone. Vermin will feast on your ragged body for five days before the groundskeeper notices. The thing is, when somebody dies in a public restroom, the natural odor of his decomposing flesh is often masked by the feces smell.

ALWAYS AVOID: The Manchild

CONSIDER: The Bachelor, The Backrubber

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.
My profile name: aarrrggghhhh

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

盛夏光年 Aftermath

今日及昨日一口氣聽了 OST 的所有歌曲,特別是被梁靜茹的《純真》感動了‧‧‧發現自己跟電影中守恆有著相同的感受–當時我的世界裡只有他跟他們的朋友,有一天我突然發現整個世界消失了(比守恆害怕失去更可怕悲慘),才知道自己其實是非常害怕寂寞‧‧‧

作詞:五月天阿信 作曲:五月天阿信 編曲:周恆毅/範宗沛 演唱:梁靜茹

長長的路上我想我們是朋友 如果有期待我想最好是不說
你總是微笑的你總是不開口 世界被你 掌握
月亮繞地球地球繞著太陽走 我以為世界是座寧靜的宇宙
今晚的天空有一顆流星劃過 在預言著什麼

在無聲之中你拉起了我的手 我怎麼感覺整個黑夜在震動
耳朵裡我聽到了心跳的節奏 星星在閃爍 你怎麼說

你心中一定有座濃霧的湖泊 任憑月光再皎潔照也照不透
你眼中閃爍湖面 無邊的溫柔 那波光 在誘惑

在無聲之中你拉起了我的手 我怎麼感覺整個黑夜在震動
耳朵裡我聽到了心跳的節奏 星星在閃爍 你會怎麼說
你已經有他就不應該再有我 世界的純真此刻為你有所迷惑
我想我應該輕輕放開你的手 我卻沒有力氣這麼做

Sunday, February 04, 2007


這次的 blog 就特別用中文寫的吧。早幾天去看了《盛夏光年》,雖然沒有感到超棒,但是內心仍然是一陣陣的感動‧‧‧當中有些時候更聽見有人的鼻子酸酸的索索聲。我不太懂去寫影評,就讓我借用好友SPK的一段blog吧(謝謝=p)

《盛夏光年》說的是一段朦朧的三角關係,一段充滿壓抑和苦澀的少年純愛。乖小孩被老師指派和壞小孩做朋友,當其守護天使。好友當上了,乖小孩卻情不自禁愛上壞小孩。壞小孩愛上乖小孩的女性好友。三個人在禁忌和壓抑中糾纏,我最喜歡故事結尾那刻意沒有答案的處理。張孝全演同志角色手到拿來,眼前一亮的反而是新人張睿家,把那種壓抑發揮得淋漓盡致。還記得康正行 (張睿家) 和守恆 (張孝全) 玩二選一,正行問守恆選他還是慧嘉 (楊淇)。守恆不知如何作答,但最後卻跟正行一夜溫存。


超喜歡片尾的電影插曲,慢慢的欣賞吧(張孝全真的超帥!! =p)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thinking 2006 Experiences... and Way Forward

Recently, there has been quite some times that a very peculiar feel grow inside me, which is sth that 'makes' my mind as serene as a clear sky, and my mind is keep running with many thoughts... i feel that i shd grasp this chance and write down what i think immediately, so i wont lose these memories after some time...

I feel NOW is a very good time for me to write abt my 2006 experiences, and at the same time make some 'wish' for the coming year 2007 as NOW is the beginning of the year, close to my b-day, and also year 2006 just passed (1X day already...), so here's a recap of my Top 10 Experiences in 2006:

1. Experience the taste of living by my OWN!!! (as well as a sense of freedom n privacy) YAY!!! It has been years that i m longing for moving away from my home and rent my own place, and now this has come true!!!

2. Experience a drastic growth in wealth and REALLI achieve my 'goal / aim' set earlier in my very early blog! (sorry i m somehow a money-minded people)! To be funny, i wonder if this has to be done with my move of living place since the growth starts at the latter half of the year. Now i m hoping to achieve more and wish tat my aim is 'achieve-able' la...

3. Experience the importance of good health... Several things happened on me this year, which makes me understand that good health is realli a very very very important matter to every person...

4. Experience the importance of family members and cherish my dear ones (sth similar to 3 happened)

5. Experience a special relationship, but at the same time losing it... i dun feel sad and somehow learnt that what i realli want or to look for a relationship... at least i feel happy now that i know what i m looking for (and also still hving some gd frens)

6. Experience what is a "bad" job, by what i mean is bad it's REALLLL ASSHOLE BAD, as well as pressure from switching jobs (i still read from somewhere that the "pressure index" for switching jobs is not a small one actually.... and i even experience it twice within this year)

7. Experience a lean fit bod for myself LOL =P =P Seriously this is a year which i feel i had a growth in the fitness level of my body... This year I've started: trying in a 10km running, trying to attend bodycombat classes regularly, trying to hit the gym much more frequently and regularly (and somehow i feel i got a better rountine on this) ... and i know my body fat rate has been a single-digit one only WOOOW =p

8. Experience an improved mind of myself (this is somehow happened quite recently) ... this has to do with my previous job i think, which makes me like day-dreaming and wandering for half a year (oh dear) ... i oso think this has to do w the passing away of my grandma - somehow she got me think of quite some things too... i do hope i realli become more "識諗" in more things in the future...

9. Experience sth funny about friendship... i realised that this is sometimes not a thing that can be totally controlled by one people, and also i understand the importance of maintaining gd frenship w ppl, and at the same time i realised i want some more of closer n frenship w more ppl..

10. Experience the taste of travel and how important it is to me... oh dear i wish i could travel more in the coming future!!!

OK so these r the things in the past... and now is the time to look forward for the coming year:

1. At first i realised it is sth 'impossible' for me, but now i got hopes that i could achieve it - by age 30 i could own my first million dollars... sure this is not achieve-able by merely savings, so this has to be sth about my investment then...

2. Put on some mass for myself... since i know i got lean already, it is time for me to grow in muscle hahaha, but this has to do w much more dedication

3. Sth that i've been hoping for, but until very lately i feel i got a REAL realisation on what i realli want for a relationship... so hope me gd luck and i can get that =P

4. This is the time for me to realli work hard in WORK and since i m oh-not-so-young in career now, this has to be sth to be treated seriously... even though i know i m a lazy people and not-so-motivated at work, i know if i want to advance in career or got a chance to work overseas, i need more effort at work...

5. Hope this sudden 'clear' state of mind can happen more, i feel tat i realli need these times for me to think over sooo many aspects of my own self...

Anyway, good luck to myself and a happy 2007 for me!!! =)

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